Uniforms/Dress Code

Beacon Christian School Student Dress Code

School uniforms and dress codes are valuable to creating a sense of belonging and identity for students. Studies also show that uniforms positively impact learning. At Beacon Christian School, we want students to feel included and have a sense of belonging to our Beacon community. Students are expected to observe all aspects of the dress code for school days unless otherwise notified.

Exceptions: If your child has a legitimate reason for not wearing the uniform (eg. a medical condition), please ask the office for a Uniform Exemption Form. We will need a written explanation along with supporting documentation. We will do our best to accommodate special circumstances. Email: office@beaconchristian.org.

School Wardrobe Specifications
All polo shirts, zipped-up jackets, blouses, and jumpers must include an embroidered Beacon logo. The navy hoodie features our tagline #LetYourLightShine on the front or an embroidered logo. All items with logos are currently purchased from McCarthy Uniforms. Their showroom is located at 100 Grantham Avenue South, Unit 100, St. Catharines – 416-593-6900 | 1-800-668-8261. The approved wardrobe pieces can be viewed or purchased by logging onto the supplier’s website at https://www.mccarthyuniforms.ca.

OLD NAVY Uniform bottoms
Pants & Shorts – OLD NAVY – Uniform Section ONLY. Flat panel uniform shorts and pants can be purchased from Old Navy/Gap. The approved colours are Khaki (Shore Enough, Rolled Oats) or Navy ( Ink Blue, In the Navy). If you are unsure about what to purchase, please ask.
Old Navy boys pants: https://oldnavy.gapcanada.ca/browse/product.do?pid=665608013&vid=1&searchText=uniform+pants#pdp-page-content
Old Navy girls pants: https://oldnavy.gapcanada.ca/browse/product.do?pid=877990003&vid=1&searchText=uniform+pants+girls#pdp-page-content
• Students may wear any of the authorized wardrobe choices on any school day.
• Gym shorts and tees are not required. These can only currently be purchased from Beacon’s gently used clothing line.

The following points give further definition to our policy:

  • All school clothing must be worn as designed.
  • Clothing must be clean, non-transparent, size-appropriate, and in good repair.
  • Bottoms must be neatly hemmed.
  • Long navy or white socks or navy tights must be worn with the girls’ kilt, skort, or tunic (jumper).
  • Undergarments must not be visible. Bike shorts underneath kilts/jumpers are suggested.
  • Kilts must be standard length, fit properly, and may not be rolled up. Length should be no higher than the bottom of the student’s extended fingertips.
  • T-shirts or tank tops worn underneath school tops must be either plain white or navy.
  • Button-down shirts and blouses must be appropriately buttoned. Sweaters or jackets, other than those approved, are not to be worn inside during the school day; they are to be put on the coat hook or in the locker upon arrival and are to remain there while the student is in the building.
  • Indoor running shoes, suitable for physical education (non-marking) are required.
  • Physical education clothing must be worn only during physical education class. It is optional to change into PE clothing.
  • Hats, bandanas, head coverings, sunglasses, and gloves may not be worn in the school building.
  • Belts must be solid black or brown and must be threaded through the belt loops and buckled.

Outings Away from School

Away-from-school outings need to be recognized as part of the learning of the school.
As such, uniforms will be required on learning outings. There may be occasional trips for which uniforms are not required – but that will be communicated whenever the situation arises. On such occasions, students will be expected to dress in a fashion that is acceptable.

Special Dress Days

At the discretion of the administration, portions of the dress code may be temporarily
suspended for special dress days or certain outings. In these cases, students will be expected to conform to the following Beacon policy regarding dress. All articles of clothing bearing suggestive or offensive materials reflecting anti-Christian values are not permissible. All tops must cover the shoulders and have sleeves, and must overlap the waistband of the pants, shorts, or skirts. Non-uniform shorts or skirts must extend beyond the bottom of a student’s extended tips.

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